On firm ground.
We work and cooperate in the circle of professionals: real estate brokers, property administrators and property managers, property expert, fire security experts, architects, building surveyors. We have contracts for the services provided to our company by the office of a legal adviser specialising in real estate office and by the firm of an experienced construction engineer with building qualifications.
We can see the potential of your property
Since 2006 we have been developing dynamically the department of our company which deals with property management. At present real estate owners have entrusted to our care between ten and twenty commercial properties situated in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot, and Łódź, where we provide service to more than 200 tenants. Our commitment is not limited to administering and managing in classical meaning. We also deal with commercialization and we take active part in the development of the proprieties that have been entrusted to us.
Our main objective as a real estate agent is achieving the aims set by the propriety owner as well as ensuring comfort and high standard to the tenants.
We attempt to make our properties generate the highest possible income by negotiating the rental amount and controlling the maintenance costs of properties.
Relying on our experience we offer large-scale cooperation to commercial propriety owners. In view of the given assignments we try to perform the role of the proprietor, which makes it possible for the owners to relieve themselves of additional duties or even sometimes of the responsibilities resulting from legal articles.
Below we present an abridged list of objectives that we deal with on daily basis and which we can offer you:
1. representing client’s businesses as part of given power of attorney to tenants, offices, banks, courts and other institutions,
2. systematic dealing with tenants, particularly signing and dissolving property leases on behalf of the property owner,
3. asking tenants to account for lease rent and other charges,
4. making payments on account of maintenance costs,
5. handling the bank account (sub-account) of the property owner, particularly controlling of payments made by tenants and transferring money to the suppliers of electricity, gas, water and services,
6. keeping the book of the building plant, the full specification sheet, and administrative and legal documentation of the building plant,
7. conducting the maintenance of buildings and their equipment and technical consultancy,
8. negotiating, streamlining and controlling the level of costs with the suppliers of electricity, gas and water,
9. coordinating and monitoring services provided by subcontractors,
10. supervising the promptness of making all payments connected with the property,
11. performing other duties regarding the managing and administration of the building assigned by the property owner.
Our main objective as a real estate agent is achieving the aims set by the propriety owner as well as ensuring comfort and high standard to the tenants.
We attempt to make our properties generate the highest possible income by negotiating the rental amount and controlling the maintenance costs of properties.
Relying on our experience we offer large-scale cooperation to commercial propriety owners. In view of the given assignments we try to perform the role of the proprietor, which makes it possible for the owners to relieve themselves of additional duties or even sometimes of the responsibilities resulting from legal articles.
Below we present an abridged list of objectives that we deal with on daily basis and which we can offer you:
1. representing client’s businesses as part of given power of attorney to tenants, offices, banks, courts and other institutions,
2. systematic dealing with tenants, particularly signing and dissolving property leases on behalf of the property owner,
3. asking tenants to account for lease rent and other charges,
4. making payments on account of maintenance costs,
5. handling the bank account (sub-account) of the property owner, particularly controlling of payments made by tenants and transferring money to the suppliers of electricity, gas, water and services,
6. keeping the book of the building plant, the full specification sheet, and administrative and legal documentation of the building plant,
7. conducting the maintenance of buildings and their equipment and technical consultancy,
8. negotiating, streamlining and controlling the level of costs with the suppliers of electricity, gas and water,
9. coordinating and monitoring services provided by subcontractors,
10. supervising the promptness of making all payments connected with the property,
11. performing other duties regarding the managing and administration of the building assigned by the property owner.